JOsh Young

gif by @itsrested

gif by @itsrested

Josh Young is a hybrid artist from east la, residing in the DFW. I’ve worked with Josh in the past and let me just say, Young is talented. He has it all, young is a lyricist that can make catchy choruses. His presence lights up a room, and when Josh performs, everyone in attendance will know. It’s something about California artist delivery and storytelling that always draws me towards their music. Josh Young does a great job of painting a scene in your head with his lyrics, each punchline building suspense to the story. 2019 was Josh’s introduction to the DFW scene and he did a great job of networking and building his foundation. His latest project “Young Season” was a perfect project to show how well rounded Josh’s art is. Usually with albums or big projects, I don’t like a lot of features, but with Young Season it works. Bouncing back from prison Josh really had to start over with marketing and recreating himself. Young Season is a reflection of Josh’s new friendships and the hard work he has put in over the past couple of years. I’m excited to see him keep raising the bar for himself!

Young season

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Checkout Josh Young’s latest single “GWAPSIDE” via soundcloud.



Listen to Josh Young